. From ancient times women have had a great importance in the family role. Ayurveda treats woman’s health care with utter most priority, as if the women of the house is not healthy and happy the optimum balance of the household is effected.
Ayurveda has a whole separate branch which deals with women’s health known as “prasruti tantra” which deals with all the problems related during menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, post-natally through to menopause. These stages of life can be improved simply by diet and lifestyle to create hormonal balance rather then treating an ailment or preventing it.
Ayurveda contains a great deal of advise and support to optimise the state of both parents reproductive physiologies before conception. This can include not only treatments to increase fertility and reduce risk of mis-carriage but also the optimisation of the parents contribution to the reproductive tissues and the nourishment to the unborn child.
For a female, the whole process starts from the onset of the menstrual cycle. so much importance is given at the first stage in Ayurveda to improve the function and regularity of the menstrual cycle, to create balance 6 months before conception takes place. With an emphasis on special Self care routine, diet and lifestyle, to bring balance at a physical, mental and emotional level.